1. Comprehensive Programme for the Further Extension and Improvement of Co-operation and the Development of Socialist Economic Integration by the CMEA Member-Countries Moscow, CMEA Secretariat, 1971.
2. B. Askanas, H. Askanas, and F. Levcik, “Structural Developments in CMEA Foreign Trade over the Last Fifteen Years (1960–1974),” Forschungsberichte des Wiener Institutes für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche 1975, no. 23.
3. GATT, International Trade 1974/75 Geneva, 1975.
4. ECE, Economic Bulletin for Europe vol. 23, no. 2, New York, United Nations, 1972.
5. B. Balassa, “Types of Economic Integration,” paper presented at 4th World Congress of the International Economic Association Budapest, August 1924, 1975.