1. EC (1981) Factors influencing ownership, tenancy, mobility and use of farmland in the United Kingdom Information on Agriculture No. 74 (Luxembourg).
2. Best, R. H.(1983) ‘Urban growth and agriculture’, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting.
3. Best, R. H. and Ward, J. T. The Garden Controversy, referred to in Best, R. H. (1981) Land Use and Living Space (London: Methuen).
4. There were earlier Acts, but the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act is usually regarded as
marking the start of effective control: see Blunden, J. and Curry, N. (eds) (1985) The Countryside Handbook (London: Croom Helm/Open University).
5. Raup, P. M. (1982) ‘An agricultural critique of the National Agricultural Lands Study’, Land Economics
58:2, 260–74.