1. Dorothy Van Ghent, The English Novel: Form and Function, New York, Rinehart & Co., 1953, p. 189. Van Ghent thought there was no such insight in the novel.
2. Mrs Henry Wood, East Lynne, 1861, London, Nelson, n.d., Part 3, Chapter 23, pp. 488–9.
3. J.A. Hammerton, George Meredith in Anecdote and Criticism, London, Grant Richards, 1909, p. 222.
4. Carolyn Williams, ‘Unbroken Patternes: Gender, Culture and Voice in The Egoist’, Browning Institute Studies, vol. 13, 1985, p. 48.
5. Charles Dickens, Hard Times, ed. Paul Schlicke, Oxford and New York, World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1989, Book 3, Chapter 2, p. 307.