1. Abbott, C. C. (1860). The penguins of the Falklands. Ibis, 2, 336–8.
2. Boswall, J. (1973a). Supplementary notes on the birds of Point Tombo,. Argentina. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 93 (1), 33–6.
3. Boswall, J. (1973b). The private life of the Jackass penguin. Animals, 15 (8), 340–6.
4. Boswall, J. and Prytherch, R. J. (1972). Some Notes on the Birds of Point Tombo, Argentina. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 92 (5), 118–29.
5. Boswall, J. (1972). The South American sea lion Otaria byronia as a predator on penguins. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 92 (5), 129–32.