1. Different versions of this analysis may be found in F. L. Morton, ‘Judicial Review in France: A Comparative Analysis,’ American Journal of Comparative Law, 36 (Winter, 1988) 1: 89–110; and ‘Point de vue d’outre-Atlantlique sur le Conseil Constitutionnel,’ Pouvoirs: Revue Française D’Etudes Constitutionennelles et Politiques 46 (1988): 127- 45.
2. For a criticism of this work, see John T. S. Keeler, ‘En reponse aux analyses de F. L. Morton: Perspectives nord-Américaines sur le Conseil constitutionnel.’ Pouvoirs Al (1988): 145–9.
3. Talion, ‘The Constitution and the Courts in France,’ American Journal of Comparative Law (1979): 567–575, at 567.
4. John Henry Merryman, The Civil Law Tradition: An Introduction to the Legal Systems of Western Europe and Latin America (Stanford University Press, 1985), pp. 28–29.
5. Dallis Radamaker, ‘The Courts in France,’ in Jerold L. Waltman and Kenneth M. Holland, The Political Role of Law Courts in Modern Democracies (Macmillan Press, 1987), pp. 129–151, at 143–145.