1. About Anand’s circle of friends and acquaintances see Marlene Fisher’s The Wisdom of the Heart: A Study of the Works of Mulk Raj Anand (New Delhi: Sterling, 1985) 34ff.
2. Northrop Frye, Fearful Symmetry:A Study of William Blake (Boston: Beacon, 1967) 87.
3. Martin Heidegger, An Introduction to Metaphysics trans. Ralph Manheim (New York: Doubleday, 1961) 87ff.
4. Also see Suresh Raval’s discussion of Gadamer’s attempt in “developing Heidegger’s ontology of understanding into a dialectical hermeneutics” (Metacriticism [Athens: U of Georgia P, 1981] 100).
5. I am particularly indebted to Daniel T. O’Hara’s discussion of the acceptance by Derrida via Heidegger and Nietzsche of the conception of aesthetic representation in his essay “The Approximations of Romance: Paul Ricoeur and Ironic Style of Postmodern Criticism,” Philosophical Approaches to Literature: New Essays on Nineteenth-and-Twentieth-Century Texts, ed. William E. Cain (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 1984).