1. Benewick, Robert, 1987, ‘Field notes of a trip to minority nationalities areas in Yunnan province’; 1989, ‘Field notes Beijing’.
2. Benewick, Robert, 1988, ‘Political Participation’ in Benewick, Robert and Paul Wingrove (eds), Reforming the Revolution: China in Transition (London and Chicago, Macmillan and Dorsey).
3. Blecher, Marc, 1986, China: Politics, Economics and Society (London, Boulder, Frances Pinter and Lynne Rienner).
4. Blecher, Marc 1988, ‘The re-organisation of the countryside’ in Benewick and Wingrove, 1988.
5. Blecher, Marc 1989, ‘The contradictions of grassroots participation and undemocratic statism in Maoist China and their fate’, a revised version of a paper presented at the Conference on Contemporary Chinese Politics in Historical Perspective celebrating Tang Tsou’s 70th birthday, University of Chicago, 1988.