1. General Frederick J. Kroesen et al., Chemical Warfare Study: Summary Report, Burdeshaw Associates Ltd, for Institute of Defence Analyses, IDA Paper p-1820, USA, February 1985.
2. Arthur H. Westing, ‘The Threat of Biological Warfare’, Bioscience, Vol. 35, November 1985, No. 10, p. 627.
3. Peter McGill, ‘Deadly germ war secrets of unit 731’, Observer, 11 August 1985.
4. See Macha Levinson, ‘Custom-made biological weapons’, International Defense Review, 11/1986, p. 1161; Westing, op. cit.
5. For details see R.J. Powell, ‘Detectors in battle’, Chemistry in Britain, Vol. 24, July 1988, No. 7, p. 665.