1. ABS, Persons in the Labour Force (Including Discouraged Job Seekers) (Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics) Cat. 6220.0.
2. ABS, Alternative Working Arrangements, Australia, March to May (Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics) Cat. no. 6341.0.
3. BEAN, C. R., LAYARD, P. R. G. and NICKELL S. J. (1985) ‘The Rise in Unemployment: An Overview’, Working Paper no. 795, (London: London School of Economics, Centre for Labour Economics).
4. BENNETT, A. and SMITH-GAVINE, S. A. N. (1986) ‘The PUL Index’, in D. Bosworth and D. Heathfield (eds) Working Below Capacity (London: Macmillan).
5. BOSWORTH D. (1985) The Economics of Labour Utilisation, Preliminary Report by the National Institute of Labour Studies to the South Australian Department of Labour (November).