1. See St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I, II, 90–97, and J. Maritain Man and the State, Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1963, esp. ch. IV.
2. For a fuller discussion of these issues see my articles, ‘Rights’, Philosophical Quarterly, 15, 1965, and ‘Rights — Some Conceptual Issues’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 54, 1976. See Also J. Feinberg, Social Philosophy, Prentice-Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, 1973, ch. 6,
3. and S.I. Benn and R.S. Peters, Social Principles and the Democratic State, Allen & Unwin, London, 1959, ch. 4.
4. ‘Rights’, Philosophical Quarterly, 1965, pp. 122–7. See also J. Feinberg, ‘The Rights of Animals and Future Generations’ in Philosophy and Environmental Crisis, ed. W. Blackstone, University of Georgia Press, Athens, 1974; T. Regan ‘McCloskey on Why Animals Cannot Have Rights’, Philosophical Quarterly, 26, 1976 and R.G. Frey, ‘Interests and Animal Rights’, Philosophical Quarterly, 27, 1977.