1. The only general history of the New Hebrides in English is Jeremy MacClancy, To Kill a Bird with Two Stones (Port-Vila, 1980), although
2. although Howard Van Trease, The Politics of Land in Vanuatu (Suva, 1987) is also a comprehensive account
3. Freddy Drilhon, Le Peuple inconnu (Paris, 1955)
4. ‘pandemonium’ as a play on ‘Condominium’, was a term popularised by Walter Lini, future president of Vanuatu, who later used it in the title of his book Beyond Pandemonium: From the New Hebrides to Vanuatu (Wellington, 1980)
5. Aimé Louis Grimald, Gouverneur dans le Pacifique (Paris, 1990), pp. 148–149.