1. Ager, D. E. (1970), ‘Advanced Students in the Language Laboratory’, Visual Education (London), May 1970, 13–15.
2. Allen, J. P. B., and Widdowson, H. G. (1975), ‘Grammerand Language Teaching’, in Allen, J. P. B., and Corder, S. P. (eds) The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics 2 (London: Oxford University Press).
3. Bennett, W. A. (1967) Aspects of Language and Language Teaching (London: Cambridge University Press).
4. Brooks, N. (1964) Language and Language Learning: Theory and Practice (New York: Harcourt Brace).
5. Buckby, M. (1967), ‘Contextualisation of Language Drills’, Modern Languages, XLVII, 4, 165–70.