1. See, for example, M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard, African Political Systems (Oxford University Press, 1940);
2. John Middleton and David Tait (eds), Tribes Without Rulers, Studies in African Segmentary Systems (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958); and
3. I. Southall, ‘Stateless Societies’, in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, ed. David L. Sills (New York: Free Press, 1968). I am also indebted to
4. Roger D. Masters’s penetrating article ‘World Politics as a Primitive Political System’, World Politics, vol. XVI, no. 4 (July 1964).
5. See Schapera, Government and Politics in Tribal Societies (New York: Watts, 1956) ch. 1. For Maine’s view see Ancient Law (London: John Murray, 1930) p. 144.