1. Best Sellers 23 (1 Apr. 1963) p. 12; F. J. Hoffman, ‘The Questing Comedian: Thomas Pynchon’s V..’ Critique, 6.iii (Winter, 1963–64) p. 176;
2. Christopher Ricks, ‘Voluminous’, New Statesman, 66 (11 Oct. 1963) p. 492; London Magazine, n.s. 3. ix. (Dec. 1963) p. 87.
3. Richard Poirier, ‘Cook’s Tour’, New York Review of Books, 1.ii. (1963) p. 32.
4. Leo Rosten, The Joys of Yiddish (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin Books, 1971) p. 352.
5. Terry Caesar, ‘A Note on Pynchon’s Naming’, Pynchon Notes, 5 (Feb. 1981) pp. 5–10. K. B. Harder also gives useful comment on this area of the novel in her ‘Names in Thomas Pynchon’s V.’, Literary Onomastics Studies, 5 (1978) pp. 64–80.