1. M. W. Shayeson, ‘Jet fuel quality considerations’, Shell Aviation News, No. 440, 1977
2. B.P. Statistical Review of the World Oil Industry, The British Petroleum Co. Ltd, London (issued annually)
3. I. Fells (ed.), Energy for the Future, Institute of Energy (formerly Fuel), London, 1973
4. I. J. Bloodworth, E. Bossanyi, D. S. Bowers, E. A. C. Crouch, R. J. Eden, C. W. Hope, W. S. Humphrey, J. V. Mitchell, D. J. Pullen and J. A. Stanislaw, World Energy Demand to2020, World Energy Conference/IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford, 1978
5. I. G. C. Dryden (ed.), The Efficient Use of Energy, Institute of Energy/IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford, 1975