1. Brotzen, F. (1950). Method and techniques in routine work. Micropaléontologist, 4(2): 18–20
2. Douglass, R. C. (1965). General procedures and techniques applicable to major fossil groups—Larger Foraminifers: pp. 20–25 in Handbook of Paleontological Techniques (Kummel, B. and Raup, D., Eds.). W. H. Freeman, San Francisco
3. Importance of collecting from outcrop. Preparation of fusulines and sectioning techniques. Peel technique of Honjo and ground glass technique. Correct labelling after frosting and use of diamond scriber
4. Horsfield, Brenda and Stone, P. B. (1972). The Great Ocean Business. Hodder and Stoughton, London Includes description of Glomar Challenger and techniques employed in the JOIDES programme
5. Ku, T. and Oba, T. L. (1978). A method for quantitative evaluation of carbonate dissolution in deep-sea sediments and its application to paleoceanographic reconstruction. Quat. Res., 10(1): 112–129