1. For instance, see David Gilmartin, Tribe, Land and Religion in the Punjab (University of California PhD, 1979).
2. D. Cheesman, Rural Power in Sind (University of London PhD, 1980) p. 226.
3. For a more detailed examination of the role of the pirs and their relationship with the British, see Sarah F. D. Ansari, Sufi Saints, Society and State Power: the Pirs of Sind, 1843–1947 (University of London PhD, 1987).
4. Allen K. Jones, Muslim Politics and the Growth of the Muslim League in Sind, 1935–1941 (Duke University PhD, 1977), pp. 101, 105, 113.
5. Governor of Sind to Secretary of State for India, 19 April 1937, L/P& J/5/251, p. 66, IOL; Ikram-ul Haw Parvez, The Contribution of Muslims of Sind towards the Making of Pakistan (University of Sind PhD, 1976), p. 32; Al Wahid, 11 March 1937, p. 6; Allen K. Jones, Muslim Politics, p. 128.