1. For the entire text of the Eugenics Protection Law, see the appendix to Nihon Kazoku Keikaku Renmei, ed., Kanashimi o sabakemasuka—chūzetsu kinshi e no hanmon (Tokyo: Ningen no Kagakusha, 1983).
2. On government regulation of religion in Tokugawa, see Kashiwahara Yūsen, Kinsei shomin bukkyō no kenkyū (Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 1971), 189;
3. hatto 42 (1613) in Idachi Akiyoshi, Nihon shūkyō seido shiryō ruijukō (Kyoto: Rinsen Shoten, 1974).
4. On funerals in Tokugawa, see Haga Noboru, Sōshiki no rekishi (Tokyo: Yūzankaku Shuppan, 1991), pp. 131–133.
5. On contemporary funerals, see Nakamaki Hirochika, ‘Continuity and Change: Funeral Customs in Modern Japan’ in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 13/2–3 (1986): 180 and 188.