1. Altick, Richard. The Presence of the Present: Topics of the Day in the Victorian Novel. Columbus, OH, 1991.
2. Axton, William. Circle of Fire: Dickens’ Vision and Style and the Popular Victorian Theater. Lexington, KY, 1966.
3. Boz. ‘Public Life of Mr. Tulrumble, Once Mayor of Mudfog’, Bentley’s Miscellany 1 (Jan. 1837), 49–63.
4. Brake, Laurel. ‘The “Wicked Westminster”, the Fortnightly, and Walter Pater’s Renaissance’, in Literature in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices, ed. John O. Jordan and Robert L. Patten. Cambridge and New York, 1995, 289–305.
5. Chesterton, G. K. Charles Dickens. New York, 1906.