1. Robert E. Agger, David Goldrich and Bert E. Swanson The Rulers and the Ruled: Power and Impotence in American Communities (New York: Oxford University Press, 1964) p. 10.
2. Floyd Hunter, Community Power Structure (New York: Anchor, 1963) pp. 5–6.
3. Steven Lukes, Power: A Radical View (London: Macmillan, 1974) p. 3.
4. Alan Bradshaw, ‘A critique of Steven Lukes’ “Power: A Radical View”’, Sociology, 10 (1976) pp. 121–7, at p. 125.
5. Steven Lukes, ‘Reply to Bradshaw’, Sociology, 10 (1976) pp. 129–32, at p. 131.