1. For an analysis of the ‘party government’ origins of the theory see Austin Ranney, The Doctrine of Responsible Party Government (Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1962).
2. The conditions necessary for the practice of party government are outlined in Rose, The Problem of Party Government (op. cit.) pp. 372–5.
3. There have been few contemporary theoretical defences of party democracy in the socialist tradition, but brief exceptions are Ralph Miliband, ‘Party Democracy and Parliamentary Government’, Political Studies, VI (1958) 170–4
4. and C. B. Macpherson, The Real World of Democracy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966) pp. 20–21.
5. One book in which these arguments reappeared is John S. Saloma III and Frederick H. Sontag, Parties (New York and Toronto: Random House, 1972).