1. W.L. Braekman, ‘Driekoningenavond: koningsbrieven, liederen en gedichten’, Volkskunde 98, 1997, 1–40.
2. A.A. van Wagenberg-Ter Hoeven, ‘The celebration of Twelfth Night in Netherlandish art’, Simiolus. Netherlandish Quarterly for the History of Art 22, nrs. 1–2, 1993/94, 65–96 both give an overview of and refer to the literature.
3. Y.S. Carmeli, ‘From curiosity to prop — a note on the changing cultural significance of dwarves’ presentations in Britain’, Journal of Popular Culture, 26, 1992, 69–80.
4. Cf. however the new biography by H. Kamen, Philip of Spain. New Haven/London, 1997.
5. G.G. Bauer Der Hochfürstliche Salzburger Hof- und Kammerzwerg Johann Franz von Meichelböck (1695–1746). Salzburg, 1989, 236–40.