1. This is the conclusion of Cook, C., ‘Labour and the Downfall of the Liberal Party, 1906–14’, in Sked, A. and Cook, C. (eds), Crisis and Controversy (London, 1976).
2. Many examples are given in Tanner, D., Political Change and the Labour Party 1900–1918 (Cambridge, 1990)
3. See also Hutchison, I. G. C., A Political History of Scotland 1832–1924 (Edinburgh, 1986), pp. 231–2.
4. Ball, S. R., ‘Asquith’s Decline and the General Election of 1918’, Scottish Historical Review, 61 (1982), pp. 44–61.
5. Winter, J. M., Socialism and the Challenge of War: ideas and politics in Britain 1912–18 (London, 1974).