1. J. Bank, ‘Een halve eeuw omroephistorie in hoofdlijnen’ [A half century’s history of broadcasting in outline], AVRO 50: historie en perspektieven (Hilversum: AVRO, 1973) pp. 9–48.
2. J. Bardoel, J. Bierhoff, B. Banschot and P. Vasterman, Marges in de Media: het verbroken contact tussen omroep en publiek [Margins in the Media: the broken contact between broadcasting and the public] (Baarn: Het wereldvenster, 1975).
3. Chr de Brauw, ‘Broadcasting in the Netherlands: Institutionalised Access with Limitations’, Journal of Broadcasting, 18 (1974) pp. 453–63.
4. D. R. Browne, ‘Citizen Involvement in Broadcasting — Some European Experiences’, Public Telecommunications Review, 2 (1973) pp. 16–28.
5. W. B. Emery, ‘The Netherlands: Pluralism with Freedom’, Chapter 8 of National and International Systems of Broadcasting: Their History, Operation and Control (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1969) pp. 140–57.