1. Tomozo Morino, ‘China—Japan Trade and Investment Relations’, in F.J. Macchiarola and R.B. Oxnam (eds), The China Challenge: American Policies in East Asia (New York: The Academy of Political Science, 1991) p. 88.
2. Harry Harding, China’s Second Revolution: Reform After Mao (Washington, DC: Brookings, 1987) pp. 147–8.
3. See T. David Mason, ‘US—Japan Security Cooperation amid the Shifting Security Environment in Asia’, pp. 158–92 in T.D. Mason and A.M. Turay (eds), US—Japan Trade Friction: Its Impact on Security Cooperation in the Pacific Basin (London: Macmillan, 1991) for an elaboration of this thesis; see also Christopher Howe, ‘China, Japan, and Economic Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region’, China Quarterly, 124 (December 1990) pp. 676–80.
4. for an elaboration of this thesis; see also Christopher Howe, ‘China, Japan, and Economic Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region’, China Quarterly, 124 (December 1990) pp. 676–80.
5. Allen S. Whiting, ‘China and Japan: Politics Versus Economics’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 519 (January 1992) p. 42.