The Impact of Trade Blocs on the Future of Japan’s Relations with China


Mason T. David


Palgrave Macmillan UK

Reference9 articles.

1. Tomozo Morino, ‘China—Japan Trade and Investment Relations’, in F.J. Macchiarola and R.B. Oxnam (eds), The China Challenge: American Policies in East Asia (New York: The Academy of Political Science, 1991) p. 88.

2. Harry Harding, China’s Second Revolution: Reform After Mao (Washington, DC: Brookings, 1987) pp. 147–8.

3. See T. David Mason, ‘US—Japan Security Cooperation amid the Shifting Security Environment in Asia’, pp. 158–92 in T.D. Mason and A.M. Turay (eds), US—Japan Trade Friction: Its Impact on Security Cooperation in the Pacific Basin (London: Macmillan, 1991) for an elaboration of this thesis; see also Christopher Howe, ‘China, Japan, and Economic Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region’, China Quarterly, 124 (December 1990) pp. 676–80.

4. for an elaboration of this thesis; see also Christopher Howe, ‘China, Japan, and Economic Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region’, China Quarterly, 124 (December 1990) pp. 676–80.

5. Allen S. Whiting, ‘China and Japan: Politics Versus Economics’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 519 (January 1992) p. 42.







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