1. See Desmond Ball, ‘Technology and Geopolitics’, in Ciro E. Zoppo and Charles Zorgbibe (eds) On Geopolitics: Chemical and Nuclear (Dordrecht, 1985) pp. 171–99.
2. Theodore B. Taylor, ‘Third-Generation Nuclear Weapons’, Scientific American, April 1987, pp. 22–31.
3. Warren Strobel, ‘U.S. To Make Nuclear Bomb That Burrows’, Washington Times, 12 September 1988;
4. and Tim Carrington, ‘Carlucci Orders Move for Development of “Earth-Penetrating” Nuclear Weapon’, Wall Street Journal, 13 September 1988.
5. President Ronald Reagan, ‘Eliminating The Threat From Ballistic Missiles’, National Security Decision Directive No. 85 (NSDD-85), 25 March 1983.