1. Cohen, Bernard C. (1973), The Public’s Impact on Foreign Policy, Boston: Little, Brown.
2. Delli Carpini, Michael, and Scott Keeter (1996), What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters, New Haven: Yale University Press.
3. Eisinger, Robert (1994), “Presidential Polling in the 1950s and Beyond,” Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research.
4. Foster, H. Schuyler (1983), Activism Replaces Isolationism: U.S. Public Attitudes, 1940–1975, Washington, DC: Foxhall.
5. Graham, Thomas (1994), “Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy Decision Making,” in D. Deese, ed., The New Politics of American Foreign Policy, New York: St. Martin’s Press.