1. France Meslé and Vladimir Shkolnikov, “La Mortalité en Russie: une crise sanitaire en deux temps,” Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest 26, no. 4: 25–34.
2. The expression was coined by A. Zinoviev. See Michael Ellman, “The Increase in Death and Disease Under ‘Katastroika,’” Cambridge Journal of Economics 18 (1994): 329–355, ref. 1.
3. “Russian Population Sees Larger Decline,” The Boston Globe, 31 July 1999, A18.
4. Lee Hockstader, “Death and Disease Rates Soar in Russia,” Guardian Weekly, 13 March 1994, 18.
5. UNICEF, Public Policy and Social Conditions: Central and Eastern Europe in Transition, Regional Monitoring Report, no. 1 (November 1993), 89 pp.