1. Clifford Geertz, “The Integrative Revolution. Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States”, in C. Geertz (ed.), Old Societies and New States (London: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1963) pp. 105–57.
2. Cf., for example, Louis Dumont, Essais sur l’individualisme (Paris: Seuil, 1987).
3. Alain Renaut, “Logiques de la nation”, in Théories du nationalisme (Paris: Kimé, 1992) pp. 28–46.
4. On the theory of inversionary discourse, cf. David E. Apter, “Democracy and Emancipatory Movements: Notes for a Theory of Inversionary Discourse”, Development and Change, vol. 23, no. 3 (1992) pp. 139–73;
5. and David E. Apter, Democracy, Violence and Emancipatory Movements: Notes for a Theory of Inversionary Discourse (UNRISD Discussion Paper, 1993)