1. Perhaps one of the most interesting cases was the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya prior to independence. For the concept of inversionary and emancipatory movements, see David E. Apter, “Democracy and Emancipatory Movements: Notes for a Theory of Inversionary Discourse”, Development and Change, vol. 23, no. 3 (July 1992) pp. 139–74
2. See Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (New York: Basic Books, 1977).
3. See J. W. Gough (ed.), John Locke, “A Letter Concerning Toleration”, in The Second Treatise on Civil Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1948).
4. On the concept of “discourse community” see David E. Apter and Tony Saich, and David E. Apter and Nagayo Sawa, Against the State (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984)
5. See Hannah Arendt, On Revolution (New York: Viking, 1963);