1. Norbert Elias, Studien über die Deutschen (Studies about the Germans) (Frankfurt, 1980), p. 8.
2. Theodore W Adorno, ‘Was bedeutet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit?’ (What Does Bringing up the Past Mean?), Gesammelte Schriften (Collected Works), vol. 10, 2 (Frankfurt, 1977), p. 569.
3. Dan Diner, ‘Die Wahl der Perspektive. Bedarf eseiner besonderen Historik des Nationalsozialismus?’ (The Choice of Perspective. Is There a Need for a Special History of National Socialism?), in Wolfgang Schneider, Vernichtungspolitik (Policy of Annihilation) (Hamburg, 1991), pp. 65–75.
4. A more detailed development of these ideas may be found in Taner Akçam, Türk Ulusal Kimliği ve Ermeni Sorumu (Turkish National Identity and the Genocide of the Armenians) (Istanbul, 1993).
5. Tarik Zafer Tunaya, Türkiyede Siyasal Partiler ( Political Parties in Turkey) III, ( Istanbul, 1989 ), p. 514.