1. Michael W. Adler, ‘ABC of AIDS: Development of the Epidemic’, 1987, 294 BMJ, p. 1083.
2. William I. Heyward and James W. Curran, ‘The Epidemiology of AIDS in the United States’, Scientific American, October 1988, p. 52.
3. Thomson Prentice, ‘17 000 AIDS death by 1992’, The Times, 1 December 1988.
4. For example, the case of Ryan White, who was initially excluded from school but eventually allowed back — to the disagreement of many parents; David M. Freeman, ‘Wrong Without Remedy’, ABAJ, June 1986, p. 36.
5. For example, People of New York v. 49 West 12 Tenants Corp. No 43604/83 (NY Supreme Court, 20 December 1983) reported in G. W. Matthews and V. F. Neslund, ‘’ (1987) 257, JAMA, p. 344. This case held that it was a violation of a New York Human Rights Law to refuse to renew a physician’s lease because he treated AIDS patients on the premises.