1. Cf. the RIO Report to the Club of Rome: Reshaping the International Order, New York 1977, p. 165, 293 f.
2. J. M. Murphy: The Politics of Manganese Nodules, in: San Diego Law Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, April 1977, p. 542.
3. Cf. K. Tiews: Aspekte der Nahrungsproduktion aus dem Meer (Aspects of food production from the sea), Wilhelmshaven 1973, p. 3; Frankfurter Rundschau, Aug. 22, 1979: FAO will ein Leerfischen der Meere verhindern (FAO wants to prevent seafish stock depletion).
4. Cf. G. Hoog: Die Genfer Seerechtskonferenzen von 1958 und 1960 (The Geneva Conferences on the Law of the Sea of 1958 and 1960), Frankfurt/M. and Berlin 1961, p. 41–46.
5. Cf. A. Pardo, E. Mann-Borgese: The New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea, Occasional Paper No. 4, International Ocean Institute, Valetta 1975 (?), p. 209 ff.