1. G. W. Crabtree, W. K. Kwok, and A. Umezawa, ?Basic Properties of Oxide Superconductors,? inQuantum Field Theory as an Interdisciplinary Basis, F. C. Khanna, H. Umezawa, G. Kunstatter, and H. C. Lee, eds. (World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., 1988); J. Muller, ?Materials Elaboration and Electronic Properties of High-T cOxide Superconductors,? Proc. of Genova Conference, July 1?3, 1987.
2. There are numerous reviews on this subject. Two typical reviews are: A. P. Malozemoff, W. J. Gallagher, and R. E. Schwall, Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. September 1987; M. Nissenoff,Cryogenics January (1988).
3. J. R. Clem and V. G. Kogan, Jpn.J. Appl. Phys. 26, 1161 (1988), Suppl. 26-3.
4. D. K. Finnemore, R. N. Shelton, J. R. Clem, R. W. McCallum, H. C. Ku, R. E. McCarley, S. C. Chen, P. Klavins, and V. Kogan,Phys. Rev. B35, 5319 (1987).
5. A. Benziger, J. L. Jorda, and J. Muller,Solid State Commun. (1987).