Zombie firms and economic stagnation in Japan


Ahearne Alan G.,Shinada Naoki


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Economics and Econometrics

Reference26 articles.

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1. Determinants of Zombie Firms in Korean Food Manufacturing;Journal of Agriculture & Life Science;2023-12-30

2. Kondycja finansowa „firm zombie” notowanych na GPW w Warszawie;Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny;2023-12-30

3. Influence of corporate governance on exit time: evidence from French zombie firms;European Business Review;2023-12-25

4. Does digital transformation curb the formation of zombie firms? A machine learning approach;Technology Analysis & Strategic Management;2023-12-21

5. The distorted entrepreneurial decision‐making of zombie firms;Managerial and Decision Economics;2023-12-06








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