1. Arithmetic Groups and Automorphic Functions [Collection of articles translated from English and French], Mir (1969), 224 pp.
2. A. Borel, ?Ensembles fondamentaux pour les groupes arithmétiques et formes automorphes,? (mimeographed lecture notes) Fac. Sci. Univ. Paris, (1967); revised and completed version: Introduction aux Groupes Arithmétiques, Hermann et Cie., Paris (1969).
3. A. Borel, ?Fundamental sets for arithmetic groups and automorphic forms,? Matematika (Periodic Collection of Translations of Foreign Articles),12, No. 5, 34?90 (1968).
4. A. Borel, ?Fundamental sets for arithmetic groups and automorphic forms,? Matematika (Periodic Collection of Translations of Foreign Articles),12, No. 6, 3?30 (1968).
5. A. Borel, Linear Algebraic Groups [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1972), 272 pp.