1. D. J. SKINNER and K. OKAZAKI,Scripta Metall. 18 (1984) 905.
2. K. OKAZAKI and D. J. SKINNER,ibid. 18 (1984) 911.
3. K. N. RAO and J. A. SEKHAR, Proceedings of the International Conference on Progress in Metallurgy, Fundamental and Applied Aspects, 11 to 15 February (1985), Kanpur, India, to be published.
4. F. P. BOWDEN and D. TABOR, “Friction, An Introduction to Tribology” (Anchor, New York, 1973).
5. J. P. HIRTH and D. A. RIGNEY, in “Dislocations in Solids”, Vol. 6, “Applications and Recent Advances”, edited by F. R. N. Nabarro (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1983) Ch. 25, p. 1.