1. Byers, B.A., Behavior of Damaged Graphite/Epoxy Laminates Under Compression Loading,” NASA CR 159293, (Aug. 1980).
2. Rhodes, M.D., Williams, J.G. and Starnes, J.H., Jr., “Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Graphite-Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Laminates,” 34th Annual Conf. Reinforced Plastics/Composite Institute, Soc. of the Plastic Industry, Inc., New Orleans, LA (Jan. 29–Feb. 2, 1979).
3. Starnes, J.H., Jr., Rhodes, M.D. and Williams, J.G., “The Effect of Impact Damage and Circular Holes on the Compressive Strength of a Graphite-Epoxy Laminate,” NASA TM 78796.
4. Rhodes, M.D., “Damage Tolerance Research on Composite Compression Panels,” Selected NASA Res. in Composite Matls. and Structures, NASA CP 2142, 107–142 (Aug. 1980).
5. Williams, J.G., Anderson, M.S., Rhodes, M.D., Starnes, J.H., Jr. and Stroud, W.J., “Recent Developments in the Design, Testing and Impact-Damage Tolerance of Stiffened Composite Panels,” NASA TM 80077 (April 1979).