1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz,Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 5,Statistical Physics. Part 1, Nauka, Moscow (1988), English translation of previous edition: Pergamon, Oxford (1980
2. E. Lifchitz and L. Pitaevski,Kinetic Physics, Nauka, Moscow (1979), French translation: Mir, Moscow (1990).
3. A. Yu. Loskutov and A. S. Mikhailov,Introduction to Synergetics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1990).
4. A. Aharony, in:Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Academic Press, New York (1976).
5. Yu. A. Izyumov and Yu. N. Skryabin,Statistical Mechanics of Magnetically Ordered Systems, Nauka, Moscow (1987), English translation: Plenum, New York (1988).