1. R. J. Quigg and H. E. Collins:Superalloy Development for Aircraft Gas Turbines, presented at the Gas Turbine Conference and Products Show, Cleveland, Ohio, March 9–13, 1968, ASME paper 69–GT-7.
2. R. L. Dreshfield and J. F. Wallace: NASA CR-120940, NTIS, Springfield, Va., 1972.
3. W. S. Connor and M. Zelen: National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series No. 54, Washington, D.C., 1959.
4. R. L. Dreshfield: NASA TN D-5783, Washington, D.C., May, 1970, pp. 16–18.
5. Owen H. Kriege and J. M. Baris:Trans. ASM, 1969, vol. 62, pp. 195–200.