1. N. D. Alikakos,On the pointwise behavior of the solutions of the porous medium equation as t approaches zero or infinity, to appear.
2. N. D. Alikakos and R. Rostamian,Large time estimates for solutions of the porous medium equation with nonintegrable data via comparison, to appear.
3. D. G. Aronson and L. A. Caffarelli,The initial trace of a solution of the porous medium equation, manuscript.
4. D. G. Aronson and L. A. Peletier,Large time behavior of solutions of the porous medium equation in bounded domains, J. Differ. Equ.39 (1981), 378–412.
5. Ph. Benilan, M. G. Crandall and M. Pierre,Solutions of the porous medium equation in R N under optimal conditions on initial values, manuscript.