1. Anderson, A. F.: The occurrence of dyscaryotic cells in carcinoma in situ. Acta cytol. (Philad.)I/1, 44 (1957).
2. Ayre, J. E.: The vaginal smear, ?precancer? cell studies using a modified technique. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec.58, 1205?1219 (1949).
3. ?: Cancer cytology of the uterus. Introducing a concept of cervical cell pathology. New York: Grune & Stratton Inc. 1951.
4. ?: Diskussionsbemerkung zu: Morphology of the dyscaryotic cells. Acta cytol. (Philad.)I/1, 29 (1957).
5. ?: Diskussionsbemerkung zu: The occurrence of dyscaryotic cells in carcinoma in situ. Acta cytol. (Philad.)I/1, 44?45 (1957).