1. Arnold, Jeanne E. (editor) 2001 Origins of a Pacific Coast Chiefdom: The Chumash of the Channel Islands. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2. Barnes, Frank C. 1965 Cartridges of the World. DBI, Northfield, IL.
3. Bentz, Linda 1996 Chinese Abalone Collectors of Santa Rosa Island. Manuscript, National Park Service, Channel Islands National Park, Ventura, CA.
4. Bentz, Linda, Todd J. Braje, and Julia G. Costello 2013 Chinese Abalone Fishermen on the Channel Islands. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for California Archaeology, Berkeley, CA.
5. Bentz, Linda, and Robert Schwemmer 2002 The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Fisheries in California. In The Chinese in America: A Historyfrom GoldMoun-tain to the New Millennium, Susie Lan Cassel, editor, pp. 140–155. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.