1. Andersen, H., Barker, P., & Chen, X. (2006). The cognitive structure of scientific revolutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Aristotle. (1984a). Categories. In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vols. 1 and 2) (J. L. Ackrill, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Aristotle. (1984b). Metaphysics. In J. Barnes (Ed.),The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vols. 1 and 2) (W. D. Ross, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
4. Aristotle (1984c). On the soul. In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vols. 1 and 2) (J. A. Smith, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
5. Aristotle. (1984d). Physics. In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vols. 1 and 2) (R. P. Hardie & R. K. Gaye, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.