1. “Articles of Amendment for Greensboro Center of Innovative Development, Inc., Which Changed Its Name to Gateway University Research Park, Inc.” (Name Change) (2006). Raleigh, North Carolina.
2. “Management Services and Development Agreement” MSDA (2005). Greensboro, North Carolina.
3. “Memorandum of Agreement for the Use of the Central North Carolina School for the Deaf (CNCSD) and a Portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus” MOA (2003). Greensboro, North Carolina.
4. “Memorandum of Understanding” [between Sharon Hightower et al. of the College Forest Neighborhood Association and the residents of the College Forest subdivision, and Gateway University Research Park, Inc. (MOU) (2007).
5. “Talking Points: Knowledge Based Economic Development (KBED) – NCATSU/UNCG (1999)” (Talking Points) (1999). Greensboro, North Carolina.