1. Adjunct professor in higher education administration. (2019). Interview conducted by the author. Wien/Vienna, Finland.
2. Aghion, P., Dewatripont, M., Hoxby, C., Mas-Colell, A., & Sapir, A. (2007). Why Reform Europe’s Universities? Bruegel Policy Brief, (04).
3. Aiginger, K., Tichy, G., & Walterskirchen, E. (2006). WIFO-Weißbuch: Mehr Beschäftigung durch Wachstum auf Basis von Innovation und Qualifikation. Wien/Vienna.
4. Assistant professor for research in education and further education. (2018). Interview conducted by the author. Austria.
5. Broucker, B., De Wit, K., & Leisyte, L. (2015). New public management or new public governance for the higher education sector? An international comparison. Paper presented at the EGPA Annual Conference, 2015, Toulouse.