Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference46 articles.
1. A.I. Abdelmoty, N.W. Paton, M.H. Williams, A.A.A. Fernandes, M.L. Barja, and A. Dinn. Geographic Data Handling in a Deductive Object-Oriented Database. In D. Karagiannis, editor, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Databases and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pages 445–454. Springer-Verlag, 1994.
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3. M.P. Atkinson and O.P. Buneman. Types and Persistence in Database Programming Languages. ACM Computing Surveys, 19(1):105–190, 1987.
4. M.L. Barja, A.A.A. Fernandes, N.W. Paton, M.H. Williams, A. Dinn, and A.I. Abdelmoty. Design and Implementation of ROCK & ROLL: A Deductive Object-Oriented Database System. Information Systems, 20:185–211, 1995.
5. M.L. Barja, N.W. Paton, A.A.A. Fernandes, M.H. Williams, and A. Dinn. An Effective Deductive Object-Oriented Database Through Language Integration. In J. Bocca, M. Jarke, and C. Zaniolo, editors, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pages 463–474. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1994.