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Reference14 articles.
1. S. Okubo, R. Marshak, E. Sudarshan, W. Teutsch andS. Weinberg:Phys. Rev.,112, 665 (1958); cf. alsoJ. D. Jackson: inBrandeis Summer Institute 1962, Lectures in Theoretical Physics, edited byK. W. Ford (New York, 1963).
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3. H. T. Nieh:Phys. Rev. Lett.,15, 902 (1965);N. Cabibbo:Third Coral Gables Conference on Symmetry Principles at High Energy, January 1966, p. 12.
4. At present there is no positive evidence of time-reversal violation in K ℓ3 + . Seee.g. G. Trilling: Argonne National Laboratory Report No. ANL-7130 (1965), unpublished.
5. A. A. Berman: inCERN Report on the International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Very-High-Energy Phenomena, June 1961, p. 7.N. Brene, L. Egardt andB. Qvist:Nucl. Phys.,22, 553 (1961);