1. Adams, William H. 1973 An ethnoarchæological study of a rural American community: Silcott, Washington, 1900–1930. Ethnohistory, Vol. 20, pp. 335–346.
2. 1975 Archæology of the Recent Past: Silcott, Washington, 1900–1930. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, Vol. 9, pp. 156–165.
3. 1976 Silcott, Washington: ethnoarchæology of a rural American community. Doctoral dissertation, Washington State University. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.
4. Adams, William H., Linda P. Gaw, and Frank C. Leonhardy 1975 Archæological excavations at Silcott, Washington: the data inventory. Reports of Investigations, No. 53. Laboratory of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman.
5. Anonymous 1955 Jawbone Flat to Clarkston. Report of the history committee. Clarkston Community Study, Part 4. Clarkston, Washington.