1. ATLAS collaboration, Search for direct production of charginos, neutralinos and sleptons in final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, JHEP 05 (2014) 071 [ arXiv:1403.5294 ] [ INSPIRE ].
2. CMS collaboration, Searches for electroweak production of charginos, neutralinos and sleptons decaying to leptons and W, Z and Higgs bosons in pp collisions at 8 TeV, Eur. Phys. J. C 74 (2014) 3036 [ arXiv:1405.7570 ] [ INSPIRE ].
3. ATLAS collaboration, Search for Supersymmetry at the high luminosity LHC with the ATLAS experiment, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2014-010 (2014).
4. T. Cohen et al., SUSY Simplified Models at 14, 33 and 100 TeV Proton Colliders, JHEP 04 (2014) 117 [ arXiv:1311.6480 ] [ INSPIRE ].
5. T. Andeen, C. Bernard, K. Black, T. Childres, L. Dell’Asta and N. Vignaroli, Sensitivity to the Single Production of Vector-Like Quarks at an Upgraded Large Hadron Collider, arXiv:1309.1888 [ INSPIRE ].